Do you, or why don't you, offer prints on canvas?
My prints are done on velvet fine are paper. Because my originals are pastels on paper and not oil on canvas, I feel that the velvet fine art paper offers a more authentic reproduction of the originals. Click here for additional information on prints.

Why are some limited edition prints of the same size a different price than others?
Because limited editions have a finite quantity, as the supply of available prints dwindles, the price increases. Click here for additional information on prints.

Why did the limited edition print I was looking at last week suddenly increase in price. 
See question above.


Shipping to Europe, Asia, etc. is expensive, can I buy your items from a distributor in my home country?
Sorry, no. I would have to pay just as much to ship them to a retailer outside the U.S. as I would to ship them to you. I am not a large corporation that has the ability to ship large quantities for cheap. Keep an eye out for my occasional sales to offset the shipping fees.

I have a customer account and need (or need you) to change my email address.
Unfortunately Squarespace lacks the functionality for administrators (me) or customers (you) to change their customer account email address. They instead suggest you create a new account with the new email address. If you require your order history from your old email address let me know, I may be able to send you a history of any order you placed while logged in to your old account.